Friday, September 28, 2012

Thurs. Sept. 27th

Transcription and Translation

1.)  Warm Up
2.) Transcription notes
3.)  Set up and collect notebooks for corrections

-Notebooks will be graded tomorrow in class!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wed. Sept. 26th


1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Notes: RNA vs DNA
3.)  Assessment #1 (DNA)

Assessment Questions
Pg. 356  # 9-12
9.)  A nucleotide does not contain
   a.  a 5-carbon sugar
   b.  an amino acid
   c.  a nitrogen base
   d.  a phosphate group

10.)  According to Chargoff's rule of base pairing which of the following is true about dna?
   a.  A=T, & C=G
   b.  A=C & T=G
   c.  A=G & T=C
   d.  A=T=C=G

11.)  The bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together came from
   a.  the attraction of phosphate groups for each other
   b.  strong bonds between nitrogenous bases and the sugar phosphate backbone
   c.   weak hydrogen bonds between nitorgenous bases
   d.   carbon-to-carbon bonds in the sugar portion of the nucleotides

12.)  Describe the components and structure of a DNA nucleotide.

Pg. 357 # 20, 21, 22, 24
20.)  the diagram below shows the process of

   a.  replication
   b.  digestion
   c.  transformation
   d.  transporation

21.)  the main enzyme involved in linking individual nucleotides into DNA molecules is
   a.  DNA protease
   b.   ribose
   c.  carbohydrate
   d.  DNA polymerase

22.)   What is meant by the term base pairing?  How is base pairing involved in DNA replication?

24.)   Explain the process of replication.  When a DNA molecule is replicated, how do the new molecules compare to the original molecule?

Pg. 359 # 1, 3, 5, 9, 10
1.)  During replication, which sequence of nucleotides would bond with the DNA sequence TATGA?
   a.   TATGA
   b.   ATACT
   c.   CACTA
   d.   AGTAT

3.)   Which of the following does not describe the structure of DNA?
   a.   double helix
   b.   nucleotide polymer (made of many smaller pieces)
   c.   contains adenine and guanine pairs
   d.   sugar-phosphate backbone

5.)   The two "backbones" of the DNA molecule consists of
   a.   adenine and sugars
   b.   phosphates and sugars
   c.   adenines and thymines
   d.   thymines and sugars

9.)    How many cells are present after 80 minutes?
   a.   1
   b.   2
   c.   16
   d.   32

10.) If the DNA of the bacterium is 4 million base pairs in length, how many total molecules of A,T, C and G are required for replication?
   a.   2 million
   b.   4 million
   c.   8 million
   d.   32 million

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tues. Sept. 25th

DNA Replication Quiz Day

Today you will be quizzed on the steps of DNA Replication

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mon. Sept. 24th

DNA Replication

1.)  Warm Up
2.) DNA Replication Foldable (Notes)

-Memorize the steps in DNA Replication for a quiz tomorrow in class

Friday, September 14, 2012

Project #1 Due Tuesday Sept.

Pill Bug Lab Report

Your First Project of the year is a typed lab report on the Pill Bug Lab conducted in class.

Typed (graphs and tables should be computer generated)
Size 12 font, single space, Times New Roman

***Bold  = should be written exactly as a heading in your report***

Page 1:  Title Page (you can use different font and size here to be creative)

- Title of Lab
- your name
- Date Written
- Period
- Picture (not required but makes it nice)

Page 2-3 (more may be possible)

Title: Write out the title of the lab from your notes

Purpose: Copy the objectives from your notes

Materials: Copy materials list from your notes

     Experiment 1: Write out a detailed, numbered, step-by-step procedure for experiment 1
     Experiment 2: Write out a detailed, numbered, step-by-step procedure for experiment 2

     Experiment 1: Should include qualitative and quantitative data you observed (a list is fine as long
                             as you label which is the qualitative stuff and which is quantitative)
                             Experiment 1 also should include a computer generated data table of pill bug
                              measurements (from class) and a computer generated graph of the same table
      Experiment 2:   Should include a computer generated data table of you response (time rolled in
                                   a ball) experiment and a computer generated graph of the same data

Conclusion: Multiple paragraphs in a mini-essay format

   Paragraph 1: Introduction.Introduce the pill bug.  Do a little internet research to help you explain how the pill bug meets all 7 characteristics of life.  Make sure you talk about each characteristic (RARE HOG) of life and explain how your bug showed the characteristics either in your reserch or lab.

Supporting Paragraph(s): Explain your experiments.  Talk about your experiments and how they tested the characteristics of life (RARE HOG).  This paragraph(s) is also where you would rewrite your analysis questions in an essay format so that they and the answers flow with your essay.

Final Paragraph:  Final Conclusions.  Summarize what you learned from this experiment.  Restate your objectives and explain your objectives and explain how you accomplished your goals for meeting your objectives.

Friday Sept. 14th

Beginning of Genetics Unit: History

1.)  Stamp Vocab Definitions (Last Nights Homework**)
2.)  Start Video: Secret Photo 51 (Video Questions passed out)

**Due to confusion over definitions the Vocabulary Due Date has been pushed back to MONDAY.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thurs. Sept. 13th

End of Chapter 1 & Beginning Genetics Unit

1.)  Check Lab Analysis
2.)  Vocab Quiz (If you were absent you will need to make this up when you get back)
3.)  Pill Bug Lab Report (Project Info) - Due Next Tuesday!!!
4.)  Genetics Vocab Work Time ( Homework if not done!!)

Genetics Vocab:
1.  Genetics
2.  fertilization
3.  trait
4.  hybrid
5.  gene
6.  allele
7.  gamete
8.  Principle of Dominance
9.  Segregation
10.  Probability
11.  Homozygous
12.  Heterozygous
13.  Phenotype
14.  Genotype
15.  Base Pairing
16.  replication
17.  DNA Polymerase
18.  RNA
19.  messenger RNA
20.  ribosomal RNA
21.  transfer RNA
22.  nucleotide
23.  Transcription
24.  RNA polymerase
25.  intron
26.  Exon
27.  protein
28.  enzyme
29.  translation

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wed. Sept. 12th

Pill Bug Lab Analysis Day

1.)  Today's checklist (Go over what is due today)
2.)  Data Analysis of Pill Bug Lab
3.)  Analysis Questions

New Vocab :
* Qualitiative: Data that includes observations or qualities
*  Quantitative: Data that includes numbers

Today's Check List (This is what you should have finished today in class)
- Graph size of pill bug data from yesterday
-  Calculate average size of pill bug (show your work)
                                                                all class bug sizes added up
                              Average size =          ----------------------------------
                                                                     total number of bugs

Graph time rolled up into a ball chart from yesterday

- Start a New Section in your Lab.  Title it "Analysis
- In your new analysis section write the QUESTIONS and the Answers toy questions 1-5 in the lab.
Laboratory Questions:

  1. Which characteristic(s) of life did the, quantitative & qualitative observations help you to identify?

      2.  Which characteristic(s) of life did the drawings help you to identify?

      3.  Which characteristic(s) of life did experiment 1 help you to identify?

     4.  Which characteristic(s) of life did the response time chart help you to identify?

     5.   Which characteristic(s) of life have you not observed in the pill bugs at this time?

(Characteristics of Life = RARE HOG notes from yesterday)

Get a stamp when all the above is completed (Stamps will be available tomorrow as well)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tues. Sept. 11th

Characteristics of life

1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Notes: Characteristics of life
3.)  Collect Data for Pill Bug Lab

Quiz on Vocabulary this THURSDAY

Monday, September 10, 2012

Extra Credit!!!


- Monday and Tuesday (Monday - anytime.  Tuesday - before school only) bring in Roly Poly bugs for our lab on Tuesday.
 - You get credit only for real LIVING roly poly bugs.  More bugs = more points!
- Make sure you have real roly polys by using the following pictures as a guide:
Not a Pill Bug/ Roly Poly

Roly Poly/ Pill Bug

Mon. Sept. 10th

1.)  Finish Checks Lab - Stamped for Credit
2.)  Checks Lab Questions
3.)  Pill Bug Lab Report (Pre-lab Set up)

- If you did not finish your pill bug prelab its homework and DUE TOMORROW!

Link to Pill Bug Lab

What to do:
- In your notebook you will need the following:
Title: Pill Bug Lab (Collecting Biological Data)
Objective: 1. Observe the Characteristics of Life in a pill Bug
                  2. Follow scientific method to create a lab report
Materials: (Copy from lab procedure)
                Experiment 1: Copy or summarize from lab procedure
                Experiment 2:  Copy or summarize from lab procedure
    ** we will no be doing experiment 3**

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fri. Sept. 7th

1.)  Warm Up #1 (See notes below)
2.)  Scientific Methods Notes (Today we went through Hypothesis in most classes)
3.)  Start Checks Lab


- Monday and Tuesday (Monday - anytime.  Tuesday - before school only) bring in Roly Poly bugs for our lab on Tuesday.
 - You get credit only for real LIVING roly poly bugs.  More bugs = more points!
- Make sure you have real roly polys by using the following pictures as a guide:
Not a Pill Bug/ Roly Poly

Roly Poly/ Pill Bug

Still having trouble getting the Safety Contract?

Some of you have been having trouble getting the link for the safety contract to work on your personal computers.  Here is a website with a different link.

Link to Flinn Science Safety Contract

Thurs. Sept. 6th

Mrs Spendlove was absent today.  In class you should have:

1.)  Finished the Scientific Methods Vocabulary (See Below for list)
2.)  Completed the Scientific Methods in Action Worksheet

** Don't forget to add each assignment into you Table of Contents**
* If you didn't finish it in class finish it as homework*

Scientific Methods Vocabulary:
1.  observation
2.  inference
3.  hypothesis
4.  controlled experiment
5.  independent variable
6.  dependent variable
7.  control group
8. data
9.  theory
10.  biology
11.  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
12. stimulus
13. homeostasis
14.  metabolism
15. biosphere

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wed. Sept. 5th

1.)  Notebook Check/ Homework Collection
2.)  Set Up Notebooks
3.)  Review Safety
4.)  Safety Quiz
5.)  Start Ch. 1 Vocabulary (Will complete tomorrow in class)