Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wed. Sept. 12th

Pill Bug Lab Analysis Day

1.)  Today's checklist (Go over what is due today)
2.)  Data Analysis of Pill Bug Lab
3.)  Analysis Questions

New Vocab :
* Qualitiative: Data that includes observations or qualities
*  Quantitative: Data that includes numbers

Today's Check List (This is what you should have finished today in class)
- Graph size of pill bug data from yesterday
-  Calculate average size of pill bug (show your work)
                                                                all class bug sizes added up
                              Average size =          ----------------------------------
                                                                     total number of bugs

Graph time rolled up into a ball chart from yesterday

- Start a New Section in your Lab.  Title it "Analysis
- In your new analysis section write the QUESTIONS and the Answers toy questions 1-5 in the lab.
Laboratory Questions:

  1. Which characteristic(s) of life did the, quantitative & qualitative observations help you to identify?

      2.  Which characteristic(s) of life did the drawings help you to identify?

      3.  Which characteristic(s) of life did experiment 1 help you to identify?

     4.  Which characteristic(s) of life did the response time chart help you to identify?

     5.   Which characteristic(s) of life have you not observed in the pill bugs at this time?

(Characteristics of Life = RARE HOG notes from yesterday)

Get a stamp when all the above is completed (Stamps will be available tomorrow as well)

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