Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tues. Oct. 9th

Exam Review

Today in class we worked on the Assessment Questions for tomorrows exam on Transcription and Translation.  You should use these questions as a study guide to help you review for the test.

You must copy the questions and give the correct answer for credit.

This was a stamped assignment.  If you did not finish in class it is homework.

Assessment Questions:
Pg. 386 # 1-6 & 8-13

1.)  The process by which the genetic code of DNA is copied into a strand of DNA IS CALLED
   a.  translation
   b.  transcription
   c.  transformation
   d.  replication

2.)  Which of the following describes RNA?
   a.  RNA is usually double-stranded and contains the base thymine
   b.  RNA is usually single stranded- and contains the base uracil
   c.  RNA is longer than DNA and uses five bases to encode information
   d.  RNA is made in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and stays there to carry out its function

3.)  Describe the function of each of the the three types of RNA

4.)  How does the enzyme that makes RNA know where to start transcribing the DNA?

5.)  Compare introns and exons.

6.)  (answer only ok)   Suppose you start with the NA strand ACCGTCAC.  Use the rules of base pairing to list the bases on a mRNA strand transcribed from this DNA strand.

8.)  In mRNA, each codon specifies a particular
   a.  nucleotide
   b.  enzyme
   c.  amino acid
   d.  promoter

9.)  The number of codons in the genetic code is
   a.  3
   b.  4
   c.  20
   d.  64

10.)  Which of the following is true about the genetic code?
   a.  a codon can specify more than 1 amino acid
   b.  every codon specifies a different amino acid
   c.  some codons specify the same amino acid
   d.  some codons have no function at all

11.)  The process of making proteins in the ribosome based on instructions from mRNA  is called
   a.  transcription
   b.  transformation
   c.   translation
   d.   molecular biology

12.)  What is a codon?

13.)  How do anticodons function

Pg. 389 # 1-4

1.)  How does RNA differ from DNA?
   a.  RNA contains uracil and deoxyribose
   b.  RNA contains ribose and thymine
   c.  RNA contains uracil and ribose
   d.  RNA contains adenine and ribose

2.)  How would the DNA sequence GCTATA
   a.  GCUAUA
   b.  CGATAT
   c.  CGAUAU
   d.  GCUTUT

3-4 Use codon chart

3.)  Which of the following codons signifies the end of translation?
   a.  CAA
   b.  UGA
   c.  AUC
   d.  CCA

4. )   Which chains of amino acids correspond the nucleotide sequence UCAAGCGUA?
   a.   gly-cys-pro
   b.   glu-asp-stop
   c.  thr-arg-met
   d.  ser-ser-val

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