Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed. Nov. 28th

Using Biotech Skills in a Real World Scenario

Today you and your group will be given information on a person who recently went to the doctor with concerns about her health.  We will discuss how PCR and Genetic Counseling is used in the real world and your group will act as doctors to try to figure out what is wrong with Gena.

Quiz Tomorrow on Biotech vocabulary and concepts

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tues. Nov. 27th

Extraction of DNA from Cheek cells

1.)  Into to using pipettes
2.)  Extraction of DNA

DNA will be sent to the lab for PCR amplification.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mon. Nov. 26th

Beginning Biotech Unit!

1.)  New Unit = New Seats (choose wisely)
2.)  Intro to biotech week
3.)  DNA Extraction Pre-lab (You cannot do the lab this week if this is not done!!)

What your prelab needs to have:

Objective (why are we doing this lab)
Materials: (read procedure and make a list)
Protocol (Procedure.  You can copy it or summarize it)

Tomorrow's lab protocol:
1.)  obtain numbered buffer/chelex tube - observe chelex beads at the bottom of the tube (record the number in your notebook)

2.)  use sterile pipette tip to scrape the inside of both cheeks

3.)  stick pipette tip into buffer/chelex solution and vigorousley shake cheek cells into solution

4.)  place tube in white racks.  once all tubes are collected place rack in hot water bath for 10 min.

5.)  While samples are boiling get PCR tube from your teacher and label the top and side of the tube with the same number that was on your chelex tube.

6.)  after 10 min, remove rack from water bath and place samples in centrifuge.  Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 12,000rpm.

7.)  transfer 5 microliters of DNA to your numbered PCR tube (avoid chelex beads)

8.)  place both PCR tube and Chelex tube in rack provided.

9.)  put samples on ice or in refrigerator for short term storage of the freezer for long term storage

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri. Nov. 9th

Exam:  Genetics Part 2

This exam will cover Punett Squares, pedigree charts, inheritance patterns, and meiosis

Pedigree Project Final Draft is due Tuesday!!!
- Your project needs to be:
     - Professional looking (look like you care and spent time on it)
     - Computer Generated or a poster
     - Complete: Pedigree showing 3 generations, one side of family (mom or dad's side), Numbered,
        shaded in to show phenotypes, letters used to show genotype, you must be obvious (labeled),
         key showing all important factors on how to read your chart,
     - Stamp sheet should be attached to final project

All late project receive -10% every day its late.  On time means it is in the classroom with you when the tardy bell rings.  After that its late.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thurs. Nov. 8th

Exam Review Day

Today in class you created a Study Guide for tomorrows exam. 

Ch. 11 = Mendel & P. Squares (pg.332 in parrot book  # 1-5  & pgs 332-333 #7-23)
Ch. 14 = Heredity/ Pedigree (pg 412 in parrot book  # 1-6 & pg 415 # 8-9)
Practice Problem Worksheet

All questions above should be written in your notebook and answered for credit. 

This assignment is homework if it is not completed in class today and will be checked first thing tomorrow.

Wed. Nov. 7th

Meiosis Review Day

Today we went over the steps of meiosis and practiced using play dough to show each step.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tues. Nov. 6th

Meiosis - Internet Lesson
In this investigation, you will view sites that illustrate the process of meiosis. For each site answer the questions associated in your notebook.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO WRITE THE QUESTIONS.

Remember, you may only have half the period to do as much as possible.

Site 1 - Lew-Port's Meiosis Page

Go to Lew-Port's Meiosis Page

Answer the Following Questions in your notebook:

1. How many chromosomes does the cell in this animation start with ? __________________
2. The homologous pairs are represented by similar ________________________
3. When chromosomes make copies of themselves, they _____________________________
4. Copies of chromosomes are held together by the _____________________________
5. Each chromosome finds its __________________________________________
6. Draw "crossing over" - using your pencil to shade in the areas that exchange parts.
7. How many chromosomes are at each pole of the cell? ___________
8. During meiosis 2, chromosomes line up again along the cell's ___________________________
9. Only _________ copy of each chromosome moves toward the poles. Which means only _________ chromosomes of the original six.
10. New membranes form around each ____________________________
11. Each cell divides, forming a total of ______________ cells.

Go to meiosis Animation
Click on the animation until you reach Telophase 1 Cytokinesis. Repeat as many times as
necessary to answer questions & summarize the first stage of meiosis

1. At the start of this example how many chromosomes are in the cell? _________
2. What happens in the “S” phase to the chromosomes? _______________
3. If a chromosome replicates but remains attached does it count as one or two chromosomes?
4. What happens to the chromosomes at the end of prophase 1 that is different from mitosis?
_______________ Did you notice any trading of pieces between the red and blue____.
chromosomes? ________________
5. At which phase do the chromosomes separate? _________________
6. At the end of telophase 1 & cytokinesis what do you end up with?
Number of cells ______________ number of chromosomes in each cell? _______
Is each cell haploid or diploid? _________________. Notice again that some trading of
chromosome pieces has occurred. This is called crossing over.

Done Early:
Go to Study Games

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mon. Nov. 5th


1.) Warm Up
2.)  HW/ Project part B check
3.)  Meiosis Chart (Homework if not done)
      -Go to Meiosis Website to help finish chart
4.)  Project Part C check

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thurs. Nov. 1st

Pedigree Practice and Projects

1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Practice Pedigrees (Done in Notebook and Stamped)

Pedigree Practice Questions: (Copied twice for 1 & 2
Answer the questions about the pedigree chart below.
What is the pattern of inheritance depicted? __________________________
WHY are the other patterns ruled out?
Write the genotypes for all individuals --use "A" to represent a dominant allele & "a" to represent a recessive allele, if one allele is unknown, use a "?" to represent that allele.
Generation #1 -
Generation #2 -
Generation #3 -

3.)  Project Info.

Ped. Project Part A (Due when you get to class)
1.)  Trait:_________________ (choose a trait to study in your family)
2.)  Are you studying your mom or dad's side of the family
3.)  Make a list for 3 generations (grandparents, parents, you) include all cousins, aunts and uncles for 1 side of family.  Try to give the info for everyone if they have the trait or not?

Wed. Oct. 31st

Happy Halloween!

1.)  Warm Up
2.)  More Pedigree Chart Practice