Monday, November 26, 2012

Mon. Nov. 26th

Beginning Biotech Unit!

1.)  New Unit = New Seats (choose wisely)
2.)  Intro to biotech week
3.)  DNA Extraction Pre-lab (You cannot do the lab this week if this is not done!!)

What your prelab needs to have:

Objective (why are we doing this lab)
Materials: (read procedure and make a list)
Protocol (Procedure.  You can copy it or summarize it)

Tomorrow's lab protocol:
1.)  obtain numbered buffer/chelex tube - observe chelex beads at the bottom of the tube (record the number in your notebook)

2.)  use sterile pipette tip to scrape the inside of both cheeks

3.)  stick pipette tip into buffer/chelex solution and vigorousley shake cheek cells into solution

4.)  place tube in white racks.  once all tubes are collected place rack in hot water bath for 10 min.

5.)  While samples are boiling get PCR tube from your teacher and label the top and side of the tube with the same number that was on your chelex tube.

6.)  after 10 min, remove rack from water bath and place samples in centrifuge.  Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 12,000rpm.

7.)  transfer 5 microliters of DNA to your numbered PCR tube (avoid chelex beads)

8.)  place both PCR tube and Chelex tube in rack provided.

9.)  put samples on ice or in refrigerator for short term storage of the freezer for long term storage

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