Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tues. Oct. 30th

pedigree charts

1.)  Review Quiz (from Friday)
2.)  Pedigree Chart Notes
3.)  Practice pedigree Problems

Mon. Oct. 29th

Chapter Review:

Chapter reviews for chapter 11 was completed in class today.  If you were absent you will need to come in at lunch on tues/thurs during tutoring to make it up.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Quiz Study Games

Tomorrows Quiz will cover DNA structure (all review to see what you remember) and Punnett Squares.  The punnett Square portion will count as double that of the DNA stuff.

The following are links to games to help you study for the quiz:
- Punnett Square shoot out (Basketball punnett square game)
- Wild Wild Taxi
- Outter Space attacker

Thurs. Oct. 25th

Determining Genotypes from Phenotypes Lab

Today in class you should have completed:
1.)  A PTC test as a class
2.)  Determining your genotypes using the procedure in the lab manual
3.)  Filled out your data table in your notebook
4.)  Finished answering all analysis questions for the lab
5.)  gotten a completion stamp for finishing everything

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tues/ Wed (Oct. 23-24)

Complex Traits and Punnet Squares

1.)  Simpson Genetics Probability Worksheet (Turned in at end of class)
2.)  "The Homer Simpson Gene" Article
3.)  The Animated version of the Simpson gene & genetics questions
4.)  Set up Lab For Thursdays lab

Heads Up!!!!
Quiz Friday on Punnett Squares and DNA

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mon. Oct. 22nd

Complex Inheritance

1.)  Check/ correct/ collect homework
2.)  Complex inheritance notes

Heads Up!!!!
Quiz on Punnett Squares This Friday!!!

Fri. Oct.19th

Examples of Incomplete Dominance

If you were absent please watch the video and answer the questions below.

1.)  Secrets of the Dead (Plague Genetics)
 - Worksheet (Due Monday)
      - Page 1
      - Page 2
- Video Clips

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thurs. Oct. 18th

Monster Match Lab

1.)  Turn in Sponge Bob Packet
2.)  Monster Match Lab Instructions
3.)  Lab Time

Monster Match Questions: DUE TOMORROW!!!
1.  Use a Punnett square to show the possible offspring of a cross between two organisms
heterozygous for a trait. Use A and a to represent the alleles.

2.   Based on your Punnett square, it is more probable that the offspring will show the dominant
trait or the recessive trait? Explain your answer.

3.   Give an example from the activity of a heterozygous genotype. _________

4.   List at least three traits for which your monster was heterozygous.

5. Give an example from the activity of a homozygous dominant genotype. _________

6. List at least three traits for which your monster was homozygous dominant.

7. Give an example from the activity of a homozygous recessive genotype. _________

8. List at least three traits for which your monster was homozygous recessive

9. Using an example from the activity, describe the difference between genotype and

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tues. Oct. 16th

Punnett Squares

1.)  Notes on Punnett Squares (see below)
2.)  Practice problems (due Thurs.)
       - Page 1
       - Page 2

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mon. Oct. 15th

Mendel's Genetics

1.)  Warm up
2.)  Chromosomes
3.)  Mendel's Rules of Heredity

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thurs./ Fri. (Oct. 11-12)

Dog Genetics

Did dogs evolve from wolves because we chose them or did they choose to live with us?  We will look at two hypotheses for the domestication of dogs.

Thursday: Background info
Friday:  From wolf to Dog Lab

Each day will earn 2 participation points. These points will be the last points for the 6-week grading period.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I don't understand this Transcription and translation stuff!

This video may help:  Bozeman Science Video
          -(some info may be more advanced then what we did in class)
This game might help too!
         Link to game

Tues. Oct. 9th

Exam Review

Today in class we worked on the Assessment Questions for tomorrows exam on Transcription and Translation.  You should use these questions as a study guide to help you review for the test.

You must copy the questions and give the correct answer for credit.

This was a stamped assignment.  If you did not finish in class it is homework.

Assessment Questions:
Pg. 386 # 1-6 & 8-13

1.)  The process by which the genetic code of DNA is copied into a strand of DNA IS CALLED
   a.  translation
   b.  transcription
   c.  transformation
   d.  replication

2.)  Which of the following describes RNA?
   a.  RNA is usually double-stranded and contains the base thymine
   b.  RNA is usually single stranded- and contains the base uracil
   c.  RNA is longer than DNA and uses five bases to encode information
   d.  RNA is made in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and stays there to carry out its function

3.)  Describe the function of each of the the three types of RNA

4.)  How does the enzyme that makes RNA know where to start transcribing the DNA?

5.)  Compare introns and exons.

6.)  (answer only ok)   Suppose you start with the NA strand ACCGTCAC.  Use the rules of base pairing to list the bases on a mRNA strand transcribed from this DNA strand.

8.)  In mRNA, each codon specifies a particular
   a.  nucleotide
   b.  enzyme
   c.  amino acid
   d.  promoter

9.)  The number of codons in the genetic code is
   a.  3
   b.  4
   c.  20
   d.  64

10.)  Which of the following is true about the genetic code?
   a.  a codon can specify more than 1 amino acid
   b.  every codon specifies a different amino acid
   c.  some codons specify the same amino acid
   d.  some codons have no function at all

11.)  The process of making proteins in the ribosome based on instructions from mRNA  is called
   a.  transcription
   b.  transformation
   c.   translation
   d.   molecular biology

12.)  What is a codon?

13.)  How do anticodons function

Pg. 389 # 1-4

1.)  How does RNA differ from DNA?
   a.  RNA contains uracil and deoxyribose
   b.  RNA contains ribose and thymine
   c.  RNA contains uracil and ribose
   d.  RNA contains adenine and ribose

2.)  How would the DNA sequence GCTATA
   a.  GCUAUA
   b.  CGATAT
   c.  CGAUAU
   d.  GCUTUT

3-4 Use codon chart

3.)  Which of the following codons signifies the end of translation?
   a.  CAA
   b.  UGA
   c.  AUC
   d.  CCA

4. )   Which chains of amino acids correspond the nucleotide sequence UCAAGCGUA?
   a.   gly-cys-pro
   b.   glu-asp-stop
   c.  thr-arg-met
   d.  ser-ser-val

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mon. Oct 8th

1.)  Grade Check
2.)  Finish Cracking the Code Video/ Turn in Questions
3.)  Test corrections (1/2 point for every answer corrected in the proper format)

Exam this Wednesday
- RNA (all types)
- DNA Replication
- Transcription
- Translation

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Week (Oct 1-5)

Monday:  Transcription Review and The Genetic Code Notes

Tuesday:  Translation Notes (Gold Foldable notes)

Wednesday: Transcription through Translation Review
           Homework: Complete the Transcription translation Worksheet

Thursday:  Cracking the Code of Life

Friday: Cracking the Code of Life (Pep Rally Day)