Monday, January 14, 2013

Semester Vocab

Here is a list of all of the Vocab we have covered this semester.  Use this as a guide (it should already be in you notebook).  You should review your vocab for the final!

Cell Vocab:
1.  Cytoplasm
2.  Nucleus
3.  Nucleolus
4.  Vacuole
5.  Lysosome
6.  Cytoskeleton
7.  Microfilament
8.  microtubule
9.  centriole
10.  ribosome
11.  Endoplasmic Reticulum
12.  Golgi Apparatus
13.  Chloroplast
14.  Mitochondria
15.  Cell Wall
16.  Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane)
17.  Cell
18.  Organelle
19. chromatin
20. flagellum
21.  cilia/ cilium
22.  Prokaryotic
23. Eukaryotic

Biotech Vocab:
1. selective breeding
2. hybridization
3. inbreeding
4. biotechnology
5. Polymerase chain reaction
6. recombinant DNA
7. plasmid
8. genetic marker
9. transgenic
10. clone
11.  gene therapy
12. DNA micro array
13. DNA fingerprinting
14. forensics

Genetics Vocab:
1.  Genetics
2.  fertilization
3.  trait
4.  hybrid
5.  gene
6.  allele
7.  gamete
8.  Principle of Dominance
9.  Segregation
10.  Probability
11.  Homozygous
12.  Heterozygous
13.  Phenotype
14.  Genotype
15.  Base Pairing
16.  replication
17.  DNA Polymerase
18.  RNA
19.  messenger RNA
20.  ribosomal RNA
21.  transfer RNA
22.  nucleotide
23.  Transcription
24.  RNA polymerase
25.  intron
26.  Exon
27.  protein
28.  enzyme
29.  translation

Scientific Methods Vocabulary:
1.  observation
2.  inference
3.  hypothesis
4.  controlled experiment
5.  independent variable
6.  dependent variable
7.  control group
8. data
9.  theory
10.  biology
11.  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
12. stimulus
13. homeostasis
14.  metabolism
15. biosphere

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